Our Mission

太阳城集团官方网址导航是一个公平的学习社区,致力于丰富 通过一系列的学位和课程,学生的学术、个人和职业生活 证书课程,校园参与和定制的学生支持.

Our Vision

太阳城集团官方网址导航欢迎每位学生进入安全和充满活力的学习环境 community that:

  • affirms them and their experiences,
  • 为赋权、批判性思维和知情的公民参与创造条件, and
  • 提供所需的支持,以满足他们的个人,学术和职业抱负.

Our Values

学术卓越是我们作为教育工作者希望实现的核心目标. Academic 卓越是创造一个让学生在学术活动中脱颖而出的环境, 表现出卓越的学习能力,发展智力能力和技能 prepares them for service to their community.  Ethical behavior is a personal, institutional, and societal responsibility. Academic integrity entails honesty, responsibility, and openness to both scholarship and scholarly activity.

反对一切形式的种族主义和白人至上主义的行为——在我们的社会中,在其他社会中 人,甚至存在于我们内心的种族主义,以及我们延续的方式 racism with our behaviors. It is about identifying the root causes of racism and ending them (Pratt Institute, n.d.).

反种族主义者:通过行动支持反种族主义政策(见下文)的人 or expressing an antiracist idea (Kendi, 2019, p. 13)

反种族主义政策:一项旨在减少种族不平等的建议/通过的政策 and creating equal opportunity (Kendi, 2019, p. 32)

我们重视以学生为中心和学生至上的态度、流程、政策和文化 that will lead to student-first decision-making. By placing the changing needs and 学生群体的教育目标是我们决策的核心 学院不仅致力于以学生为本,而且致力于学生包容的治理 environment.

“保持以他人为导向的人际关系立场的能力” 其他)与文化认同的各个方面有关,这些方面对 [person].” Hook et al.(2013) and Tervalon and Murray-Garcia (1998) (as cited in Waters & Asbill, 2013).

Main Aspects:

  1. A lifelong commitment to self-evaluation and self-critique. We never arrive at a point 我们哪里都学完了,所以一定要谦虚灵活,大胆去看 at ourselves critically, and desire to learn more. Willingness to act on the acknowledgment that we have not and will not arrive at a finish line is integral. Understanding is only as powerful as the action that follows.
  2. Desire to fix power imbalances where none ought to exist. Recognizing that each person 给生命的餐桌带来了一些不同的东西,帮助我们看到了价值 of each person.
  3. 渴望与倡导他人利益的个人和团体建立伙伴关系. Though 个人可以创造积极的变化,社区和团体也可以产生深远的影响 impact on systems. We cannot individually commit to self-evaluation and fixing power 在我们参与的大型组织中不提倡的不平衡.

从定义上讲,文化上的谦逊比我们个人的自我更重要——我们必须提倡 for it systemically.

Social Justice has 4 essential goals:

  1. Human Rights: a just society protects and respects everyone’s human rights.
  2. Access: access to essentials like shelter, food, and education is crucial; when access is 受性别、种族或阶级等因素的限制,它会导致痛苦 individuals, communities, and society as a whole. Social justice activists work to 增加和恢复准入,让每个人都有平等的机会过上美好生活.
  3. Participation如果只有一些声音被听到,社会正义是不可能实现的,尽管 the marginalized and vulnerable are often silenced. Even when society tries to address 如果最受影响的人不能参与其中,问题和解决方案就不会奏效. 必须鼓励和奖励参与,以便每个人,特别是那些 who haven’t had a chance before – can speak.
  4. Equity“公平”(不是“平等”)考虑到歧视的影响和目的 for an equal outcome. (Racial inequality is one of the most common social justice issues in the world. It affects a racial group’s ability to find work, get access to healthcare, and receive an equal education.) (http://www.humanrightscareers.com/issues/what-does-social-justice-mean/)

言论自由是全世界每个人的一项基本人权. 所有人都有权持有自己的观点,并有权寻求、接受、 and share information and ideas.

Introspection ——向内看自己的过程,了解自己的动机、优势, weaknesses, and triggers.

Reflection ——刻意关注自己思想、情绪的习惯, decisions, and behaviors.

承认、回应和颂扬多元文化的教育学 为来自不同文化背景的学生提供充分、公平的受教育机会. It recognizes 在学习的各个方面包括学生的文化参考的重要性. (Ladson-Billings,1994).


  1. Learning within the context of culture
  2. Student-centered instruction
  3. Culturally-mediated instruction
  4. Reshaping the curriculum
  5. Teacher as facilitator

通过以校园社区成员的身份和生活经历为中心, we are affirming who they are beyond data points. We are listening to them tell us their truths and realities. We will use that to inform not only our practices but policies. 以这种方式为中心,它使我们成为一个反应灵敏的公平者 重点,并在相关机构,艾滋病在我们的学生能力建设.

深度学习是个性化的,其特点是学生代理,与自我和 跨文化认同,技能、知识、自信和 self-efficacy through inquiry. It is about relationships and the human desire to connect with others to do good. Fullan et al. (as cited in Crowley, 2018)

Recommendations for reimagined learning environments:

  • 创造由好奇心驱动的学习,学习者是渗透者和塑造者 通过研究与自己和世界相关的实际问题来创造未来.
  • 教学生成为问题设计者,从思考“什么”的观点转变过来 is” to thinking of proposals of “what could be.”
  • 提出学生可以参与的问题,而不仅仅是要求他们解决问题.
  • Provide opportunities for finding solutions to new ambiguities.
  • 培养一个永远的业余爱好者的生活,学习就是冒险,是一种冒险 lifelong venture.
  • 相信学生会超越我们所有的期望——我们教他们不要害怕 (of the unknown) but rather to be curious.
  • 认识到创新和创造力是每个人与生俱来的.

学院重视思想交流和激烈的辩论,这将使学生, 教师和工作人员走到一起,在一个参与和知情的谈话. Transformational 解决问题从多个角度看待问题,并提供空间 承认过去和展望未来是一个必要的因素 for the reframing of the present. It necessitates the need to listen, build trust, not rush to judgment, and have the difficult conversations.