Use these tips and resources to make sure you're taking the steps necessary for academic 成功!


  • 准时到达
  • 不要早退


  • Read and process text before class; ask questions for clarification
  • 复习笔记
  • Practice problems, brainstorming, outlines

Sit close to the front

  • 积极地倾听
  • 做笔记
  • 问问题


  • Visit instructor during office hours with questions, concerns
  • Get peer tutoring assistance
  • 找一个学习伙伴
  • Go to the learning centers (reading, writing, or math)

Hand in work on time and do not miss exams.

  • Have college-level work ready to hand in on due date
  • Do not use excuses to rationalize lack of preparation

Use a calendar, schedule time realistically, and follow the course syllabus.

  • Write down assignments, tests, projects in your calendar
  • Schedule study time — 2 hours of study for each hour in class
  • Account time for family, social life, work, class, study, and transportation
  • Remember a 15-unit semester load = a full-time job

Based on work of Minnesota Association for Developmental Education copywrite MNACE 执行委员会.

In addition to time to take your classes, you will also need to plan time for reading, studying, and preparing for classes. You are expected to be ready for each class before the class begins as no time is given "in class" to study.


A 大学单位 is a measure of time involved in class instruction.

For a 16-周 semester:

  • A three-unit class typically requires three (3) hours of classroom time per 周.
  • A one-unit (1) lab typically requires three (3) hours and 20 minutes of lab-time per 周.

Example for a 12-unit course load

  • In-Class Time = 12 Hours Per Week
  • Study Time = 24 Hours Per Week (2 Hours Per Unit x 12 单位 = 24 Hours)
  • Total Time = 36 Hours Per Week (That's why 12 units is considered full-time student 状态.)

Managing 工作 and 学校

Use these as a guideline for how many classes to take based on how much you work.

工作 学校
每周15小时 9 - 12个单元
每周25小时 6 - 9个单位
每周40小时 3 - 6个单元

Tips for Managing Study Time


  • Plan two hours of study time for every hour you spend in class.
  • Study difficult subjects first.
  • Avoid scheduling marathon study sessions. Take breaks when needed.
  • Be aware of your best time of day. Experiment studying at different times of the day.
  • Use time between classes, lunch breaks or time waiting for appointments for study.


  • Study in the same place as much as possible. 养成习惯!
  • Study in an upright chair. Do not study on a comfortable couch or in bed!
  • You know the best place to study (i.e. library, park, or in your room).
  • Avoid studying with distractions such as TV, radio or phone.
  • Study in a well-lit and orderly room.


  • Have others agree not to disturb you while studying.
  • Use computers when needed to assist you with your class work.
  • Use 3x5 index cards as flash cards.
  • Say "NO" to distractions.
  • Hang a "Do Not Disturb" sign on your door.
  • Get ready the night before.

Follow these steps to calculate your current GPA and monitor your progress.


List courses taken for letter grades, record the letter grades you received, and the 课程单元. Do not list courses recorded as Credit/No Credit, Incomplete, or Withdrawal.


For each course, multiply the units by the grade points (A = 4 pts; B = 3 pts; C = 2 pts; D = 1 pts; F = 0 pts). This will give you the total grade points for each course.


Add the total number of units you have taken.


Add the total grade points.


Divide your total grade points by the total units.


课程 年级 单位 乘以 级分 = 总成绩
历史7 B 3 * 3 = 9
英语1 A 4 * 4 = 16
社会学1 CR /数控 课程s taken Credit/No Credit are not calculated into the GPA.
数学3 C 3 * 2 = 6
法国2 C 4 * 2 = 8
生物1 D 3 * 1 = 3
音乐4 b F 3 * 0 = 0
  总单位: 20分     总成绩: 42分

If 总成绩 ÷ Total 单位 = GPA, then 42 ÷ 20 = 2.10